Archive for September, 2011

Yes, I needle myself!

September 15, 2011

Something went wrong with my knee this week.  I bought a new pair of shoes.  The support and biomechanics seemed just right but after wearing them twice the knee swelled and got sore.  So I just sat down and gave myself an acupuncture treatment.  I am sitting here with needles in right now.

It is funny because when I teach and–even when I treat patients–people ask me where I learned all these different techniques for orthopedics and sports injuries.  Well, for one thing I had to treat myself!

I have a lot of experience.  I have been doing this since I was  kid.  I have a brain like a sponge for physiology.  I just find it interesting.  I am always doing research and looking things up and I have been with every injury I have treated since I was a teenager–but it is more than that.  It actually has more to do with personal experience.  I have had injuries and health challenges of my own.  I have had bike crashes, ambulance rides, wipeouts, trips to the hospital, concusions, surgeries–you name it. I am not a teenager anymore and those things can start to add up.  I didn’t want them to slow me down.  I did research because I was looking for  solutions to my own issues so I could stay active.

Twenty years ago I had surgery on my right knee for a torn meniscus.  The surgery helped but the knee still bothered me and continued to swell up years later.  I could not workout, run, or surf when it acted up.  I had to completely understand the biomechanics of my own knees and the muscle imbalances which led to my injury before I came up with a solution–and  Acupuncture was a big part of that solution. (I just pulled the needles out. The swelling is down and it is good as new.)  I developed a program of exercise, stretching, diet and treatments that completely work.  My knees are stronger than they have ever been.  I still surf.  I compete as a triathlete.  I climbed Mt. Baldy a few weeks ago and am now planning an another hike.  That knee bothers me less now than ever and I can say the same thing of my separated shoulder, fractures, surgeries, or any of my other injuries.  Nothing slows me down.

You can stay active after injuries and prevent injury if you take care of yourself–but you need comprehensive treatment from someone who understands multiple modalities and can put together a treatment plan that will work for you and get you the results you want.

If you have an injury, want to prevent injury or you just want to stay active I can probably help you.  Give me a call or send me an email if you and we can discuss what I can do for you.
